Concerning the CECM

The following information is local to the CECM system and describes various aspects of the lab and its contents. As time permits, additional information will be added. Please feel free to make suggestions about what should be found here.

ALSO.... look on the shelves for the CECM UNiX Reference Card which details other information that may be useful to you.

CECM Research Groups

Special Projects

CECM Projects Page
Inverse Symbolic Calculator
Organic Mathematics Project
PolyMath Project

Local Help and Information

UNiX Help Card
Important UNiX commands: basic and local
Software available on the CECM system

CECM Mathematics Resources
CECM server statistics
Other important information sites
Creating your own Web pages
Doing your own tape backups
DNQS - Job batching system

CECM lab Emergency Preparedness Kit
CECM lab policies
Important miscellanea

Buckaroo Banzai FAQ